Vishwabharati Society for Education & Human Development, Amravati –
(Registration:- Charitable Trust No. F/14241/Amt)

Vishwabharati School is a project of Vishwabharati Society for Education & Human Development. It provides a total balanced environment focused on shaping children into leaders of tomorrow. At Vishwabharati we offer comprehensive education through developmental approach. Our school environment promotes order, independence, love for learning, a connection to the world and sense of social responsibility.
We wish to lay the foundation for leaders who “prepared for all challenges”. This is to be accomplished through a unique and well-defined curriculum and a dedicated focus on “education beyond the classroom.”
We believe that no individual should be dictated by others. The concept of self-discipline is at the core of our school philosophy. A child who can control himself is an enlightened being he respond to the call of others while listening to his inner voice. This child is to be blessed not only with a high intelligent quotient but also with a humane emotional quotient.
It is our belief that a child should be citizen of the world, but while acquiring global skills, he should be guided by ancient Indian wisdom.
In keeping with Vishwabharati vision statement and Vishwabharati School philosophy that aims at providing a broad-based educational program for the holistic development of the children. Our school program provide a secure and stable environment with flexibility for individual growth, clear guidelines within which students can learn to express and exercise freedom responsibly. We also have academically challenging and student-centered teaching, by a team of caring & committed teachers. Attention to individual needs with an emphasis on encouraging self-reliance as students grow and matures. Broad experience of education to prepare students to live in global society with emphasis on traditional values of inquiry, hard work, integrity, respect and reverence will definitely resulted in.